STAR homeworks ****


Aiming for the top


Any successful work you produce over Easter will help you achieve your target grade. It can also be useful to catch up on any missed  work as this will affect your grade at the end of the year. If you have any outstanding work after Easter you may be asked to complete in Art club afterschool.

  1. Pencil Tiki
  2. Chalk and charcoal Tiki
  3. Oil pastel and Ink Tiki
  4. Pattern Tiki
  5. Collage Tiki
  6. Tonal pencil statue drawing using grid
  7. Mini Tiki x 2
  8. Tracing paper designs – Pattern & tiki


  1. Research Ku and creaet an A4 artwork
  2. Research  4 major Hawaiian gods and present creatively
  3. Create a Sail design for the Kon-Tiki craft
  4. Research Polynesian pattern & tattoos. Present imaginatively
  5. Create a myth that surrounds your Tiki
  6. Research/ take photos of 10 images that relate to your myth
  7. Create a page of colour schemes for your Tiki and it’s myth
  8. Develop an A4 Tiki artwork on your myth

Tiki Mount


Connor Still’s Tiki Mount shows a range of Tiki gods in a pencil and mixed media. This is an excellent way to show your best work. A clean and compact presentation is key to make full use of the space. Connor has used a variety of marks to show tone and texture on the Tiki gods, good work.